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Kingston Technology Remains Top DRAM Module Supplier for 2020

Kingston Technology, a world leader in memory products and technology solutions, today announced it has been ranked top third-party DRAM module supplier in the world, according to the latest rankings by revenue from analyst firm TrendForce (formerly DRAMeXchange). Kingston retains its number 1 position with an estimated 78.02% market share on $13.2B (USD) revenue. TrendForce states that Kingston increased revenue by 2.03% YOY marking the 18th consecutive year that Kingston has held the top spot.

Kingston maintains its competitive advantage by working closely with its suppliers, partners, and customers to remain flexible and adapt to ever-changing needs and market conditions. A driving force to Kingston’s success is their working attitude of ‘Kingston Is With You’. As one of the leading buyers of DRAM chips in the world, Kingston saw an early need for memory chips in certain markets and took a proactive approach to secure additional components needed for the potential demand such as purchasing component inventory that was bogging down their partner’s warehouses. The popular thought in early 2020 was that the technology sector would slow down due to the pandemic, but Kingston took the initiative to be prepared for those segments that would require additional DRAM; work from home PCs, gaming memory, and server farms that needed more memory for the onslaught of online purchases and activity.

The chart below shows the top 10 DRAM module suppliers rankings provided by TrendForce:

Kingston Global Revenue Ranking

Additionally, with the next generation of DDR fast approaching, Kingston is primed to provide customers with the cutting-edge speeds of DDR5. Kingston’s strong relationship with Intel will help ensure “stride for stride” solutions with Intel’s latest product launches.

“TrendForce’s findings reflect the company’s continued growth and flexibility to tackle a challenging business climate” said Kingston. “Our leading position in the market allows us to collaborate closely with our partners and vendors, and to provide education and guidance on new technology, like 16Gbit modules and the upcoming DDR5 launch, to our customers.”

For more information visit kingston.com.

Kingston can be found on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KingstonAPAC

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/KingstonAPAC

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